04-09-11 Geocaching In Kintyre
The Kintyre Way Geocache Trail,fun for all the family starting this Saturday 10th September.

[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]
Visiting Carradale for the September weekend and had a go at Geocaching with our 6 and 4 year old kids today (25/9/11).

What great fun and a fantastic excuse to go for a long walk around Carradale!This was our first ever Geocaching experience and it was really easy to use the GPS and we managed to find all the 'Treasure', although 1 or 2 had us digging around a little :-)

It certainly made our cup of tea and scone taste even better at the end of it all at our return to the Network Centre!Thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

The McCarthy Family (Hamilton)

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