03-10-08 Quiz Results
The quizmaster was in fine form for last night's quiz in The Glen Bar.

A closely fought match with the top teams were separated by only 2 points, congratulations must go to The Ladies From Table 1 once again. Well done!

The full results were as follows:
[Quiz Night at The Glen Bar, Carradale]Team NameScorePlacing
The Ladies From Table 1511st
The Ones That Got Away492nd
The Anglers413rd
The A Team325th
The Sunbeams30.56th

Teams were frequently driven to laughter, sometimes hysterically, and I think the prize for most dubious question of the night must be for "What is the only muscle in the human body attached at only one end?" Answers on a postcard, please...

Next week's quiz will be at the same time, same place: 9pm in The Glen Bar, Thursday.

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