03-05-07 Election Fever
[Ballot Box]Another beautiful morning and the Polling Station is open for business down at the Primary School.

Carradale has been re-zoned since the last elections and is now jumbled in with 'Kintyre and the Islands' for reasons that only make sense to bean-counters.

One question I'll have, for whoever our new 'Kintyre and the Islands' councillors turn out to be, will be why was it necessary to close the school for the day when the village hall could have been used as the Polling Station instead?

As such we have two votes to cast for the Scottish Parliament and three votes to cast for local councillors. The Polling Station is open until 10pm so there's plenty of time to get those votes cast.

Elsewhere it's been a hive of activity especially up at the football field where they've been busy preparing the pitch and pavillion for the start of this year's local league.

The mower shed has been repaired and re-painted following the damage caused by the New Year storms;

The grass cut and new lines painted;

New nets constructed to stop the ball going ino the field beyond;

And those nice men from McFadyen's have been up and laid a very nice entrance and turning area just inside the gate.

All in all it's all looking very nice.

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