03-05-05 Balamory Fame for Spike
My youngest son was very excited today after he saw himself on the hit children's TV program 'Balamory'.

Before moving to Carradale we used to live in Tobermory on the beautiful Isle of Mull. The BBC use this as the setting for the programme and use children from the local nursery as extras.

My son was very popular with the crew and found himself spending most of a fortnight out and about filming bits and pieces for inclusion in a variety of stories.

Meanwhile back on Kintyre viewers of the webcams will have seen that the thick mist that rather spoiled our Bank Holiday weekend has given way to a stiff breeze. We even had some blue sky and sea this afternoon!

From: Margaret Hine
Date: 04/05/2005

Hi What a wonderful website you have made. Makes me want to come and see for myself!
Thirty-one years ago a friend retired to your area but I completely lost touch. He was Stuart Leibrandt with wife and family. He had ambitions to start a pottery at Torrisdale. I am now nearly seventy six so it is possible that Stuart is not longer alive as he was older than me. Does the name mean anything to you? I would be so grateful for any news. Thank you very much.

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