01-09-18 East Kintyre Community Council Meeting
Thursday 7th September 2018.
Minutes of Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 5th July 2018.
Present: Ian Brodie (IB) (Treasurer), Eleanor Sloan (ES) (Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie (RB), Trish Collins (TC), Elaine Batchelor (EB).
In attendance – 4 Members of the public PC Harper Robin Currie (RC), Anne Horn (AH), Alastair Redman (AR).
1. Welcome At 7pm –Ian Brodie opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees.
2. Apologies Apologies from Tommy McPherson 3. Minutes of last meeting – 14/06/18 Minutes were proposed by Robert Strang seconded by Ronnie Brownie.
4. Treasurers report Stuart Irvine was unable to attend – but ES showed the council the end of year accounts for 2017/18. All agreed to adopt the accounts.
5. Planning No planning
6. Saddell Signage Tommy emailed everyone an update on the signage at Saddell – most of it is ongoing – Robin Currie will approach the Ward 1 Councillors to help with this item, as Saddell is in the South Kintyre Ward. RC to follow up
7. Water problem at harbour Scottish Water has accepted responsibility for this issue and will be repairing the problem.
8. Brackley Cemetery IB & RS met with Paul Martin, Tom Murphy and Robin Currie. EKCC composed a list of questions for the meeting. - Road to the cemetery – it seems that the council own the road from the farm to the cemetery and Brackley Farm owns the road from the forestry road to the farm. ABC will be up-keeping their part of the road - Signage – it was suggested that signage directing to the cemetery should be erected on the forest road and on the gate of the cemetery and also to put a “keep gate shut” sign on the gate. - It was agreed to install a water butt at the diggers hut at the cemetery and RS and IB will set this up. - The rubbish bin at the cemetery will be replaced by ABC - New paths will be created between the lairs over the winter months. - It will be impossible to lay major drains in the cemetery as this will cause water run off into the water system – EKCC were not happy with this answer and will be pursuing the issue of water logging in the graves again. - Disable access – new paths will help with this - Grass cutting – it is promised to be cut 14 times a year, EKCC are asking folk to feed back to them if they don’t see the grass cut every couple of weeks in the summer months. - It was mentioned that if the gates are shut properly the animals will be kept out. - The grass crete matting will be updated. - It is thought that the sunken lairs have been repaired.
9. Road signage Julian Green has replied and has said that the signage will be in put place over the summer months.
10. Bins – harbour – bay –new footpath Harbour bins – Stewart Clarke will update the EKCC on the situation Bay bins – Colin is happy to have a bin at the caravan park – EKCC will provide a bin – ES to contact Colin to take this forward. New footpath – bins to be put in place.
11. New footpath The new footpath will be officially opened on 7th August – IB suggested inviting everyone in the village to attend, especially the school children. The finishing off of the path (sealing of ground lights and installing of bins) will be done when there are men available to do the jobs. It was discussed naming the new path – ES suggested naming it after the oldest person in the village – IB suggested asking the school to come up with a name – it was agreed to discuss this at a later date and to ask folk to think about their ideas etc .
12. Community Shop Update on the community shop – 1st job would be to buy the shop, 2nd would be running of the shop – the shop will be closing on 8th August – NO definite updates yet. IB suggested that the community shop and the Seneval project be standing items on EKCC monthly agendas – and any updates can be fed to the council via this method. EKCC (IB) will officially request this from Carradale Community Trust.
13. Bus shelters ES received an email from Stephanie McGlynn asking us to make the community aware that putting posters in the shelters is not allowed. Trish agreed to reply to the email.
14. Website It was agreed that Ian will feedback EKCC information to David Prag for the website
15. AOCB
1. RS reported that the road side verges are needing cut – apparently we have to wait our turn. It was generally considered that the verges are dangerous AH, RC, AR all to take forward. 2. Play park – ES and IB received an email from Zurich with a list of items needing fixed and finished at the playpark, the playpark must remain closed until these things are completed. 3. The road between the Ashbank Hotel and the Quay Brae is in bad condition and has been reported to ABC. ABC Councillors to take this forward. 4. A request was put forward for the road sweeper to go down through the village. ABC Councillors to follow up 5. The verges in the village are getting out of control. 6. EB asked when the WFT will be reviewing their grass cutting contract – and suggested that a new list of grass cutting areas is drawn up – RS offered to do this 7. The tree is still down across the tinkers track – RS to speak to the McCormacks for an update 8. ES offered to contact Colin Burgess re the small tree that has fallen over covering the entrance to Blackhill wood path off the new path. 9. The state of the harbour was discussed – the Marine Harvest plot – it was asked what the actually foot print of their area is and would it be possible to fence it off? The ABC Councillors agreed to find out for us.
16. Date of next meeting
There will be no meeting in August
Next meeting will be 7pm – 06/09/2018
We hope to have the October meeting at Peninver
Ian closed the meeting at 8.10pm and thanked everyone for attending.
Agenda for next meeting in Carradale Village Hall THURSDAY 6th September 2018.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of last meeting
4. Treasurers report –
5. Planning
6. Saddell signage
7. Brackley Cemetery
8. Road signage
9. Bins – harbour – bay – new footpath
10. New footpath
11. Community shop update
12. Seneval update
13. Bus shelters
14. Web site
15. Playpark
16. Marine Harvest
17. A.C.O.B
18. Date of next meeting
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