01-07-11 Carradale Primary Prizewinners 2011
End of term letter from Headmistress Mrs Elliott.

Click on images to enlarge.

Harlow Award for Citizenship (P7 Award voted by P7 pupils) : Niall Gemmil
Matthew Neil MacDougall Memorial Prize (P7 Award): Bethany Paterson
Carol Anderson Memorial Quiach for Citizenship (P1-7 Award voted by all pupils): Shauna Brown P7

C.P.S. Personal Achievement Award: Shauna Brown P7
C.P.S. Creativity Award: Niamh Baxter P5

C.P.S Junior Sports Champion: Elliot Gemmill P3
C.P.S Senior Sports Champion: Lauren Burns P7

Clan Shield (awarded to clan relay winners): Carradale Glen

Henry McGougan Memorial Prize for Perfect Attendance: Raymond Gosling P7

Miss Lynn Galbraith

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Comments Re: 01-07-11 Carradale Primary Prizewinners 2011

This will be of interest to Mrs Elliott.

I have just looked out the Kintyre Club Prize awarded to my grandmother, Jessie S Paterson, when she was a pupil at the Carradale Public School. It is a copy of The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. There is no date on it but, as Jessie, my grandmother, was born in 1877, I guess the award must have been made around 1900!

I also have a bible which was presented by the Deacon's Court of Carradale U.F. Church to "Miss Jessie S Paterson on the occasion of her marriage as a token of esteem and in appreciation of willing service." on December 24th, 1902.

Jessie, whose maiden name was also 'Paterson', married a Thomas Menzies Paterson and they lived in Glasgow until Tom retired and then they had Jakmen Lodge built and Tom (my grandfather) built Jakmen Cottage alongside. He and Granny lived in the Lodge in the winter and then moved to the Cottage in the summer and rented out the Lodge by the month.

I would love to hear from any interested Patersons and others as I have very fond memories of Carradale, going back to starting school there in 1939 or 1940, as an evacuee to my grandparents!

Regards to all
Ken Paterson

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