01-05-09 Kintyre Way Relay
Annual event.

Kintyre Way Relay team runners and walkers will be passing through the village tomorrow.
The runners will be leaving Tarbert at 6.15am Saturday morning,changing over teams at their designated checkpoint to arrive in Campbeltown in the evening.
Two teams of walkers will be starting at Torrisdale and heading north to Tarbert.Watch out for the yellow tabards and if you get some good photos could you please pass them on to me.
I will be a marshall for the Torrisdale/Carradale area(Johnny Durnan) and Shelagh Cameron the time keeper at the Network Centre.

Check out the website here Kintyre Way Relay.

[The Carradale Goat]

Its the first day of May today and it is bucketing with rain here in the Dale.

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