A selection of photographs of Carradale and the surrounding area.

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High on the slopes above Waterfoot nestles this tiny wee cave. Perhaps the home of the Faerie-folk, or maybe even Bochan Mor?

Early in February 2005 I spotted this submarine on the surface a few miles off the coast between Carradale and Campbeltown. Presumably she's a Royal Navy boat but the distance and weather conditions made identification a hopeless task. The vague outline behind it is Ailsa Craig.

The three wind turbines on the Isle of Gigha, taken from the forrestry road above Killean. In the distance is the Isle of Jura.

A winter sunrise above Aisla Craig.

Crazy crystalline patterns in the rocks at Torrisdale Beach.

Driving home from Campbeltown I spotted this small pod of Bottlenosed dolphins heading north along the East Kintyre coast. They were leaping and rolling and generally having a damned good time of it.

Several of the dolphins were leaping completely out of the water. These pictures we taken from Peninver beach but about an hour and a half later the same pod passed Carradale Bay, still heading north.

The old jetty at Waterfoot, long since rotted away so that only the piles remain. The river was very low this morning and we were able to easily wade across to the dunes beyond.

Looking down the river to the sea at Waterfoot. Faintly, in the distance, you can just make out the distinctive shape of Ailsa Craig.

One of the real Carradale goats. These are a breed of feral goats which live wild in the area around Carradale. This particular photograph was taken at Carradale Point.

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Unless stated to the contrary original photographs are (C) Copyright The Carradale Goat/ Johnny Durnan 2024

Postcards and other submissions remain the copyright of their owners.