A selection of photographs of Carradale and the surrounding area.

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HM Customs vessel Vigilant tied-up alongside at Campbeltown.

Halloween Party at The Glen in Carradale. Many villagers and visitors alike turned out for what was to be a very entertaining evening.

Anyone recognise this stranger?

This forestry road takes you right through the windfarm on Deucheran Hill.

High above the village on Deucheran Hill is a windfarm. The turbines generate valuable electricity from renewable resources.

A rainbow above Carradale.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls... One of the fixtures on the harbour wall.

It mustn't be forgotten that Carradale has a working harbour with boats fishing for clams, lobsters and prawns.

One of the areas less-popular creatures. This jellyfish was spotted just a few feet from the end of the harbour wall.

During the summer there was a fund-raising day in the harbour to raise money for the RNLI. The lifeboat came up specially from Campbeltown and was joined by a passing lifeboat returning from relief duty on the Isle of Man. The Campbeltown lifeboat, RNLB Ernest and Mary Shaw (17-19), is a Severn class lifeboat and pretty much state of the art. The relief lifeboat, RNLB Dora Foster McDougall (14-24), is a smaller Trent class lifeboat.

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Unless stated to the contrary original photographs are (C) Copyright The Carradale Goat/ Johnny Durnan 2024

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