Carradale's village football team was reformed in 2005 after a break of some years.
Here you'll find a selection of photographs from some of their matches.
You are welcome to save them for your own use but please respect copyright and no commercial use without permission. |  |

Lochgilphead Athletic travelled down to Carradale on Saturday, 8 October 2005 for a match which Carradale won by 6 goals to 1.
Carradale's goal-scorers were Ranald Rixon (3), Travis Tiffin (2) and Alan Robertson. Lochgilphead's goal was scored by Roddy 'The Fox' McDonald. |

As you can see, the Referee was wearing the latest fashions from Paris... |

Gareth goes in for the kill... |

One of Ranald's goals. Despite a valiant attempt Lochgilphead's goalkeeper couldn't quite reach the ball... |