Carradale's village football team was reformed in 2005 after a break of some years.
Here you'll find a selection of photographs from some of their matches.

You are welcome to save them for your own use but please respect copyright
and no commercial use without permission.

The half-time score was 3:3 but by the final whistle Carradale had pulled ahead to lead with 6 goals to 4. A great start to the season.

Carradale played Northend Thistle on Saturday, 29 October 2006, in the second
leg of the Kilbrannan Quaich competition. Carradale are in blue/white.

The pitch is dramatically surrounded by the hills of Arran.

Northend's goalkeeper stretches for the ball.

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Unless stated to the contrary original photographs are (C) Copyright The Carradale Goat/ Johnny Durnan 2024

Postcards and other submissions remain the copyright of their owners.